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Sustainability Consultants | Perspektiv: Building lasting relationships with a future-oriented perspective.

"The moment we decide to fulfil something, we can do anything."   Greta Thunberg  

Corporate ESG

Let's Work Together

Jonathon boasts over 10 years’ of experience steering climate and ESG strategies. Passionate about catalysing advancements for our planet and the attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Head of Corporate ESG

Jonathon Collins

Jonathon Collins


What: Review your corporate board and management structures, as well as company policies, standards, disclosures and risk management issues to enable robust management of ESG issues.

Why: Duties upon Boards, Directors and Executives are evolving,  obliging ever greater oversight of ESG-related risks and opportunities. Ensure your governance frameworks are fit for purpose.  


What: A systematic and collaborative process designed to identify an organisation's ESG priorities. Identify all issues that should be considered 'significant'.

Why: Have clarity on your 'significant' issues and create a foundation for your strategic approach to ESG.

ESG Strategy

What:  Design and articulate your approach to the management of ESG issues, specific to your context and peers, that will generate value for you and your stakeholders.

Why: Effectively communicate your strategy with stakeholders such as employees, customers, markets and investors.

Frameworks & Standards

What:  Directors' duties are evolving, obliging ever greater oversight of ESG-related risks and opportunities. Ensure your governance and risk management frameworks are fit for purpose.

Why: Understand how your organisation compares to others. Know what is working and what needs attention. Provide the information that your stakeholders need. Identify gaps and areas for improvement in your ESG ratings.


What: The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) provides a framework for organisations to develop a strategic response to climate change and to issue effective climate-related financial disclosures.

Why: To improve and increase reporting of climate-related financial information about your organisation to stakeholders and the market. TCFD has become mandatory for a minimum expectation in several significant jurisdictions.

Nature Positive Strategy

What: The Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) is a global, market-led initiative, with a mission to develop and deliver a risk management and disclosure framework. The ultimate aim is to support the shift in global financial flows toward strategies, tools and technologies with nature-positive outcome.

Why: We expect TNFD will become pivotal to how organisations disclose their ESG performance. Stakeholders will perceive organisations with a clear and comprehensive strategy to address nature-related risks and achieve nature-positive outcomes, as better investment.

Sustainable Procurement 

What:  Develop sustainable procurement strategy that promotes positive environmental, social and economic impacts over the life cycle of a project. It helps organisations demonstrate accountability, transparency, ethical behaviour, full and fair opportunity, respect for stakeholders, laws and norms, human rights, innovation, integration & improvement.

Why: Procurement is a powerful instrument for organisations wishing to behave in a responsible way. By integrating sustainability into procurement practices, organisations can manage risks and create opportunities. Areas include governance, human rights, labour practices, the environment, consumer issues, and community involvement & development.

Stakeholder Engagement 

What: Stakeholders are those groups who affect or could be affected by an organisation. Organisations will have many stakeholders, each with distinct types and levels of involvement, and often with diverse and sometimes conflicting interests and concerns. Stakeholder engagement is the process used to engage these stakeholders, generally to proactively optimise the management of applicable risks and opportunities associated with organisations purpose.

Why: Representatives of impacted groups are claiming their right to be informed of, consulted on and involved in organisational decision-making. Advancements in the understanding of how stakeholders contribute to the creation of value require organisations to have a refined approach to engagement.

Training & Development 

What: We design bespoke training modules and workshops to develop the capacity of your Board, executives, managers and employees to deliver your organisation's ESG objectives.

Why: Successful ESG strategies require effective change management processes, and these start with building the capacity for positive change.

Human Rights

What: Identify, prevent, mitigate and account for the human rights impacts of your business activities. This includes addressing risks of modern slavery in your supply chain, respecting the rights of First Nations peoples, valuing diversity and inclusion, and effective human rights due diligence.

Why: Investors, customers and other stakeholders are increasingly aware of human rights risks. Failure to identify and manage these issues can cause a rapid decline in trust, result in reputational damage and exposure to legal and commercial risk. Human rights, social risks and opportunity realisation are becoming central to organisation’s strategy, governance and risk frameworks.

Climate Reporting

Are you ready? 

Are you ready to navigate navigate IFRS S2 and the mandatory requirements in Australia for Climate Reporting? Prepare for climate-related risk reporting and develop efficient strategies to minimise risk exposure.

Assess Your Readiness →

Corporate ESG

Our expertise in leadership and strategy development will help you do good... and do it well.  Achieving positive Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) outcomes is now a prerequisite for success. In order to obtain investment, satisfy stakeholders, proactively address risks and remain profitable over the long-term, ESG must be integrated into your business, and its management must be effective. 

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